The mining history of the Slocan starts in the 1890's when rich silver-lead ore was found near Sandon, and thousands of prospectors and fortune hunters poured into the area, lending it its well worn name “The Silvery Slocan.” Mining created towns like Sandon – styling itself the “Paris of the West” – New Denver, and Slocan City.
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The Slocan area is one of the oldest mining camps in the province which flourished after the turn of the century and has continued to produce intermittently ever since. The history in the West Kootenays dates back to the 1820’s when the Bluebell deposit, near Riondel on Kootenay Lake was discovered. The mining history of the Slocan starts in the 1890's when rich silver-lead ore was found near Sandon, and thousands of prospectors and fortune hunters poured into the area, lending it its well worn name “The Silvery Slocan.” Mining created towns like Sandon – styling itself the “Paris of the West” – New Denver, and Slocan City. The population of Slocan City and Sandon were in the thousands and the champagne flowed liberally. But it was a short-lived phase: by 1910 the fortunes of the mining towns had declined to almost nothing.
Granby Gold Inc.
Suite 615, 700 West Pender St.,
Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8
Phone: 604-250-7360
Email: Here