Located near the Historic and the newly opened Bralorne Mine and the Pioneer Mine in The Bridge River Area.
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The Bridge River mining camp comprises five former mines, including two large gold producers, Bralorne and Pioneer, and three small producers, Wayside, Minto and Congress, and more than 60 surrounding mineral prospects (Woodsworth, et al., 1977).
The Bridge River area has seen a number of famous gold strikes and large mining operations, notably the Pioneer of the 1880s and 1890s and the Bralorne Mine. This area opened up in the late 1920s and soon became the richest gold producing region in the province. Bralorne was also the richest gold mine in Canada's history, and had the third-deepest shaft in the world.
Granby Gold Inc.
Suite 615, 700 West Pender St.,
Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8
Phone: 604-250-7360
Email: Here